Alright, this is the last entry of my Korea trip.

This was the tote bag we got from "The Faceshop". The bag was full of skincare products which we bought during the trip. Lolz!
We went back to the restaurant which we had "ginseng chicken soup". This was the buffet breakfast we had. Choices were not too bad, but I did not eat much la.
--Shopping--They added another "extra" shop in our trip, and that's the 冬虫夏草 shop. Did not buy anything there.
--Sinchon Ladies Street 新村女人街--Basically, Sinchon Ladies Street is a shopping street outside Ewha Woman's Uni. We were there early, so there's no crowd la. Bumped into two other SG tour grps though. Haha!

I just realised tt there's one "Beauty Credit" store in Vivo! Haha! Pretty Gu Hye Seon is the spokesperson for the brand.

Hehe...Dunkin' Donuts!

The entrance of Ewha Woman's Uni. Lots of students returning to sch on Sun.

Kosney is a lifestyle shop, and I think the stuffs were not cheap. However, they do sell very nice organisers & stationaries.

We went to Dunkin' Donuts for a quick bite. That's E.W's Iced Peach Tea, my Caramel Macchiato & Fresh Bavarian filled. Aunt Jo also ordered something similar. Hehe! The "bavarian filled" was super delicious~!

View from our seats at Dunkin' Donuts.

Sinchon Ladies Street.

This is Sinchon metro station.
--Provision Shop--
Our last destination for the day was the provision shop, where u got to buy all the local specialties like seaweed, ginseng candies, chocolate pies etc. I thought the shop wld have lots of stuffs, but that's not the case.
--Incheon International Airport--
Interesting wave design for the rooftop at one of the terminals.

We gotta buy our own lunch again. This is the worst Japanese soba I have ever eaten. The noodles were soggy & tasteless.

This was the boarding gate. Their gate designs were unique.

Something interesting was tt tourists cld still shop and eat at food courts/restaurants near the gates. U cld do some last min shopping or grab a quick bite la.

Our flight, KE 641.

Plane departing Incheon.
--Dinner--The crew was still messy when they're confirming passengers' meals.

E.W's vegetarian meal.

It's either bibimbap or some western meal for me. Chose their beef & rice. The beef meat was kinda pathetic, but sill not bad la. Haha!

Surprise surprise! This was my first "Strawberry Cheesecake" ice cream. Delicious.

View of the evening sky~

Time for sunset.

The 2nd surprise was...3 hrs after our dinner...we got a supper? Haha. Why don't they give us a dinner when we fly to Korea huh? E.W's veg burger.

I think i was not supposed to get a seafood treat? Who cares? Lolz! Fish nuggets & fried shrimps~ There were other choices like origiri and snacks too.
The whole flight lasted for 5 hrs plus, and actually we could have landed earlier. But dunno why our plane made a big detour to some Indonesian islands before u-turning back to Changi. So I got to see the night view of our city before the plane landed. Haha! Too bad my cam could not captured the night views!!! Argghh!
8.49p.m - We reached home!
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